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Those who turn many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever and ever (Daniel 12:3).

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Dove Letter Zone is a Christian faith-based endeavour. Our mission is to spread the Good News from the One and only Living GOD to people of all nations, and help them discover meaning and purpose in a dark, broken, and confused world. 

Images are original, and designed to keep users' focus on the Word.

We invite you to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Savior today, to experience the presence of the One and Only Living GOD in your daily life. Read or download our Meet Jesus, Repentance, Salvation Images or The One-Verse Witness Free eBook for more on the importance of making this very crucial decision, and then visit our Salvation Page to take just two simple steps to Jesus Christ.  Your life will never be the same!

Scriptures taken from The Holy Bible  (King James Version and the World English Bible Version).

Dove Letter Zone is owned by Divine Literature International

Dove Letter Zone © 2020-2023 | All Rights Reserved | Website By Stemad Publications Inc.
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